Purpose of the Foundation
The main objective of the foundation is to enable ageing people with disabilities and increasing need for care, to live a fulfilled, socially and culturally integrated life in their familiar and trusted environment. The foundation aims to achieve this through dedicated projects as well as direct and indirect support, whereby the foundation is not intended to replace existing legal claims against the state and/or social welfare providers, but rather to supplement them.
More specifically, the Dahlke Foundation -first with a focus on the two rural communities in Rohrlack and Vichel- wants to supportin the following areas in the long term:
Measures that help ageing residents of these facilities to remain in their familiar living environment for as long as possible.
These can be, for example, physiotherapy, facilities for short- and long-term care, rehabilitation measures, eurythmy, or measures to maintain the respective individual everyday competence.
Measures to maintain and promote social contacts with family members and other close acquaintances.
Support for age-appropriate living through appropriate work-, employment-, leisure and entertainment opportunities.
Supporting cultural life in the facilities and their surroundings in order to promote even greater social integration of these facilities and the disabled people they care for.
The Dahlke Foundation will work closely and trustfully with the "Interessengemeinschaft zur Förderung von Menschen mit Behinderung e.V." (izfb e.V.) in planning and implementing the projects.

The Dahlke Foundation for the Promotion of Disabled People
is a foundation without own legal capacity administered in trust by the "Interessengemeinschaft zur Förderung von Menschen mit Behinderung e.V." (izfb e.V.), a registered association based in Berlin. This legal form allows the “Interessengemeinschaft” to take over the administration of the foundation and the foundation's assets through its existing structures. This can save costs, especially in the initial phase.
The foundation pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes.
Its non-profit status has been recognized by the Berlin tax office, so donations are tax-deductible if you are taxable in Germany.