… for a fulfilling life in a familiar and trusted environment



Important milestone of 200,000 € foundation capital reached thanks to generous donations

As a completely unexpected surprise, a founder’s friend was so impressed by the concept of supporting the disabled people in the anthroposophical institutions in Rohrlack, Vichel and Berlin to live a fulfilled, socially and culturally integrated life in familiar surroundings also in old(er) age, that he increased the small foundation's capital by € 100,000.

This unexpected donation inspired the founder to launch a major fundraising campaign: each donation to increase the foundation's capital will be doubled (up to a total of €100,000). If this goal could be reached, the foundation would have a capital of more than € 300,000, which would allow to do a lot with the expected regular income.

By October 2023, the foundation's capital had marked the milestone of 200,000 €.  We thank all donors for their contributions or collections on the occasion of birthdays/festivities, and hope that we will come even closer to our goal in 2024!



Recovery at home

An initial motivation for the Dahlke Foundation was a resident who, when discharged after successful surgery, still required long-term care, longer than could be provided  by the institution. The relatives stepped in and hired a nurse at their own expenses which allowed recovery at home in the residential community.  The Dahlke Foundation is now saving a reserve of 20,000 € so that in such cases, residents without legal entitlements and without other financial support  would also have such an opportunity.

We are very pleased that we were able to already set aside approximately 10,000 € from the first earnings of the foundation capital, and hope to possibly reach our savings goal already next year.

In September, we had the inauguration party for  a trampoline suitable for the disabled on the premises of the workshops in Rohrlack. The purchase has been made possible in part by donations from relatives and the Dahlke Foundation has also contributed its share. The trampoline will give the residents of the houses in Rohrlack and Vichel the opportunity to have fun jumping and practicing coordination. For next year we plan to find a physiotherapist who will support this professionally on a regular basis.
It looks like the residents will have fun!

Dear friends and acquaintances, ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to ask you all very warmly to provide generous financial support to help me to significantly increase the capital of the newly founded non-profit "Dahlke Foundation", so that the resulting annual income can be used to provide continuous basic funding for its activities.

A good friend of mine who followed the establishment of the Foundation, spontaneously pledged a donation of 100,000 € to increase its hitherto rather moderate capital. This encourages me to cordially ask you all to help me further increase the Foundation's capital, together. I therefore commit to matching any new donations, up to a maximum of 100,000 € in total, in 2022 and 2023.

As of March 2023, approx. 26,000 € were donated, a huge thank you to all who did so!

Please continue donating generously. I commit to ensuring that your and my money is invested in meaningful projects and I will keep you informed about the progress via the website.