… for a fulfilling life in a familiar and trusted environment



A concert gift from the Dahlke Foundation for the 70th anniversary of the GzF

To mark the 70th anniversary of the "Gesellschaft zur Förderung musischer Bildung und Lebensgestaltung e.V.", the Dahlke Foundation is presenting a classical concert in the auditorium of the Parzival School in Berlin Zehlendorf on 6 September 2024 from 16:00.

All pupils of the Parzival School and the after-school care centre, the employees of the workshops of the LebensWerk community,  all residents of the LebensWerk community,  the parents/carers,  as well as the care staff are invited.

The concert will be performed by the  Orpheus Ensemble Berlin and musikerleben e.V.
Conductor Stefan Meinecke,  Soloist Clara Schuricht - Horn

They play for us:

Haydn: Overture "The Apothecary"

Mozart: Rondo for horn and orchestra KV 371

Bartok: Romanian folk dances for strings

Mozart: Symphony No. 29 in A major KV 201


The Dahlke Foundation is delighted to be able to contribute to the GzF's anniversary events with this concert.


Help for those in need

Christian Raasch, Managing Director of the LebensWerkGemeinschaft Berlin, wrote in June:

"We look back with gratitude on the last six months of our collaboration with the Dahlke Foundation.
After one of our residents with assistance needs was seriously injured by a fall at the end of last year, she is now much more dependent on assisstance  than before.
Meeting the sudden increase in assistance requirements presented the carer team with enormous challenges. These could only be overcome by hiring a care service, which was financed by the Dahlke Foundation for six months.
As people living in special forms of support accommodation in Berlin are not entitled to care insurance benefits apart from a minimum flat rate of €260.00 per month, this quick and unbureaucratic financial support from the foundation was a key element in enabling us to keep the resident  in her familiar surroundings.
This was not only a great relief for the carer team, but also gave us time to work out a permanent solution.

With this in mind, a big thank you once again from the LebensWerkGemeinschaft gGMbH Berlin."



We reached the goal of € 300,000 foundation capital - a huge thank you to all donors

We have made it!!!

Thanks to many very generous individual donations, two large donations and the doubling of each donation by the founder  we have succeeded in increasing the foundation's capital to € 300,000. THANK YOU to everyone who made this possible! The proceeds were set aside to provide financial support for recovery in familiar surroundings in an emergency.  More on this under "Projects" and previous News from September 18, 2023.


We are slowly approaching our donation target thanks to the generous donors!

Around Christmas 2023, further donors have been found to generously support the Dahlke Foundation in order to increase the foundation's capital. Pars pro toto we feature here Matthias Krapp, who with his ABATUS GmbH und CO KG has not only managed the foundation's assets very successfully so far, but has also been able to persuade others, in this case FondsKonzept AG, to support the foundation! Many, many thanks to ALL donors, your help ensures that the Dahlke Foundation can be really helpful!